Take it easy
  • Dosage: 1 heaped tsp (per 250 ml)
  • Brewing Time: 2-3 min
  • Brew Temperature: 100°C
  • Flavouring: fruity
  • Flavour: Pineapple, Passion fruit, Banana
Take it easy
Article No: 10789424003203789426

Take it easy

Wollenhaupt Tee GmbH

Naturally flavoured blend of green tea and fruits


The concentrated power of sun kissed, tropic fruits combined with a touch of guarana and a few seeds of hemp. A tasting experience hardly to describe and almost thrilling.

Recommended consumption as infusion drink: max. 3 cups per day, not suitable for children under 12 years.

  • Exceptional mix with a lot of potential
  • With trend ingredient hemp seeds
Labels and Variety Cards

Also order printed labels and variety cards for this tea!


Packaging Unit: 1 kg

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