Fruitful Berry Compote
  • Dosage: 2-3 heaped tsp (per 250 ml)
  • Brewing Time: 8-10 min
  • Brew Temperature: 100°C
  • Flavouring: fruity
  • Flavour: Berries, Cinnamon
Fruitful Berry Compote
Article No: 40203034003203203038

Fruitful Berry Compote

Wollenhaupt Tee GmbH

Naturally flavoured fruit melange


A real fruit bomb, like mummy´s berry compote! Filled with fruity, slightly sour berries this fruit melange reminds us of warm sunny hours and picking berries in our own garden.

Important Notice

For food safety reasons, always use boiling water to steep fruit melanges and brew the tea for at least 5 minutes!

Labels and Variety Cards

Also order printed labels and variety cards for this tea!


Packaging Unit: 2 kg

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