China Jasmine Pu Erh
  • Dosage: 1 level tsp (per 250 ml)
  • Brewing Time: 2-4 min
  • Brew Temperature: 100°C
  • Growing Region: China
  • Province: Yunnan
  • Leaf: Short, reddish leaf
  • Flavour: Jasmine
  • Cup: Reddish brown infusion, light jasmine aroma
Article No: 00453424003203453426

China Jasmine Pu Erh

Wollenhaupt Tee GmbH

Black tea, scented with jasmine


The characteristic earthy taste of Pu Erh, which is the result of the special fermentation process, ends with an intense fresh jasmine note on the palate, which the tea receives through natural scenting with jasmine blossoms in the origin. An extraordinarily delicious tea speciality!

  • Rarity
  • Speciality, recommended by our tea tasters
Labels and Variety Cards

Also order printed labels and variety cards for this tea!


Packaging Unit: 1 kg

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